Angeles Jacobi (*1989, Buenos Aires, Argentina) is an interdisciplinary artist whose practice explores the relationship between construction and destruction inherent to the human condition. Her artistic approach was born from a mistake while knitting—an error that led her to unravel her work and uncover the poetry within this act. Since then, her textile installations have incorporated robotics, with textiles designed to unravel during exhibitions through motorized mechanisms. This process is documented through spools of thread and visual records in photographs and videos, preserving the traces of transformation.
Jacobi holds a Bachelor’s degree in Visual Arts from the Universidad del Museo Social Argentino (2014) and a Master’s degree in Interactive Space Design from BTK in Berlin (2020). She has exhibited internationally in cities such as Berlin, Dresden, Tucumán, Buenos Aires, New York, and Guimarães, participating in prominent events like the Contextile Biennial in Portugal and the Bienal Sur in Argentina.
Her work reflects on fragility, time, and impermanence, drawing inspiration from nature and processes of change. In her practice, the act of disintegration is as significant as construction, fostering a profound dialogue between action and memory. Her work challenges our relationship with the ephemeral and celebrates the constant transformation that defines our existence.
2018-2020 M.A Media Spaces, University of Applied Sciences, Berlin, DE
2010-2014 B.A in Visual Arts, Universidad del Museo Social, Buenos Aires, AR
Selected Exhibitions
Group Exhibition, Fractales, Poéme Studio, Buenos Aires, AR
Group Exhibition, Contextile Biennial, Guimarães, PT
Group Exhibition, In_Verantwortung, Motorenhalle, Dresden, DE (Curated by Denise Ackermann)
Group Exhibition, Entre-Tejidos, Bienal Sur, MUNT, Tucumán, AR (Curated by Clarisa Appendino)
Solo Exhibition, Sobre Límites y Fronteras, Uno + Uno, Buenos Aires, AR
Group Exhibition, Plansch, Begehungen Festival, Thalheim, DE
Solo Exhibition, Desbordando, Casa Estrugamou, Buenos Aires, AR
Group Exhibition, Slow Moves, Teufelsberg, Berlin, DE
Group Exhibition, O, 48h Neukölln, KINDL, Berlin, DE
Group Exhibition, Transformia, Atelier 63, Berlin, DE
Group Exhibition, Master’s Thesis Show, BTK, Berlin, DE
Group Exhibition, Inside Outside, Planetarium am Insulaner, Berlin, DE
Group Exhibition, 100 under 50, Studio Baustelle, Berlin, DE
Group Exhibition, Más allá del velo, Atelier 63, Berlin, DE
Group Exhibition, Experiments in Art & Technology, Erstererster Berlin, DE
2024 Contextile Biennial, Guimarães, PT
2022 School of Visual Arts, New York, US
Awards and Grants
2024 ‘Artists to Watch’, Artconnect.
2021 Berlin Senate of Culture
Selected Press
angelesjacobi [at] gmail.com